Sextories: Your own personal, SEX, blog.

{August 18, 2016}   TAKING CARE OF BOOTY


Nothing in life is free and that includes booty. When you go on a booty call, that booty should be respected by you. By all means take care of that booty by satisfying that booty; just don’t abuse that booty. Also, be willing to provide financial assistance for that booty. And it’s your duty to keep that booty healthy by engaging in and practicing safe sex. Keep that booty clean. Keep that booty healthy. Keep that booty satisfied. It’s your duty to never neglect that booty. If you don’t treat it right someone else will.

From the book, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on


{August 18, 2016}   TWO OF THE SAME


The men are out on the streets whoring, and the women are out there doing the same.

The men are doing their homeboys on the down-low, and the women are doing the same.

The men are hanging on the corners, getting high off drugs, weed, and alcohol; and the women are doing the same.

The men are spreading gossip in record numbers, and the women are doing the same.

The men are contracting HIV at an alarming rate, and the women are doing the same.

The men are spreading HIV at an alarming rate, and the women are doing the same.

The men are dying from AIDS more rapidly, and the women are doing the same.

The men have a high, high-school dropout rate, and the women do also.

The men are being incarcerated in record numbers, and the women are also.

The men are having illegitimate kids from a variety of different partners, and the women are also.

The men are cursing worse than sailors, and the women are doing the same.

The men are joining gangs at an alarming rate, and the women are also.

The men are abandoning their families at an alarming rate, and the women are also.

The men are prostituting themselves to support their substance abuse and other habits, and the women are doing the same.

The men are doing the same things their opposite sex is doing, and the women are also.

The men are becoming more androgynous, and the women are also.


From the book, Real love. Real issues, Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 18, 2016}   WHY ME, WHY ME?


I know God is a loving God but there are things that I just don’t understand. I know you’re not supposed to question Him, but why did He make me attracted to men? Knowing how cruel the world can be how could He love me and still do this to me? It is said that God is perfect and that He makes no mistakes. Then, He must have had a reason for making me this way. If this is part of God’s plan then what is there to say? For those who consider me a “freak” will have to answer to Him one day. Only God knows why He does, what He does. And He doesn’t have to answer to me nor does He to you. He has His reasons that we know for sure. Then we say “In God we trust;” but I’m not all that sure. Cause if we really trust him, why are we always so doubtful, fearful, and uptight? How come we walk less and less by faith, and more and more by sight? Why can’t we accept that we are all part of a bigger plan and leave the details to him. We know that they are in the best of hands? Instead we ridicule His children not realizing that we are really ridiculing Him. He is our Creator. We are His creation.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 18, 2016}   WHAT WOULD THEY THINK?


My spouse beats me but I want to stay with him anyway. If I do what will people say? My spouse cheats on me but I love him too much to leave. If people find out what would they say? We rented a variety of kinky videos ’cause we get sexually aroused by them. If people find out what would they say? We engage in every type of sexual activity imaginable. If anyone finds out what would they say? I know my spouse is having an affair with someone of the same sex but I refuse to end our relationship. If people find out what would they say? We’ve been together for ten year, and I want to get married but he doesn’t want to marry me. If people knew this what would they say? He is openly bi-sexual and he sleeps with other men as well as women. If people find this out what would they say? He uses and sells drugs and I help support his habit. If people knew this what would they say? I work every day and bring home my paycheck to him. If this ever got out what would people say? He doesn’t believe is using condoms so I let him have his way. If anyone knew this what would they say? Do you feel that they would think that I was the biggest fool that ever lived? Do you think that they would understand where I’m coming from and what I’m going through? Do you think that a lot of women are in the same situation that I am in. What do you think? Do you think that there are other women that cannot say “no” to their man? I know it’s our business, our relationship, and our life. But there are times when I need someone to confide in and talk to. What do you think?


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirki Jr on

{August 18, 2016}   I AM A SEX ADDICT


Addiction: Most of us suffer from some sort of addiction. We are either un-aware of it or just refuse to concede to it. I am an addict. Sex is my addiction. I am, have always been, and most likely will always be addicted to sex. Sex is my oxygen. Sex is my food. Sex is my life. It is what I live for and it’s what I love to engage in. I love to receive pleasure, and I love to give pleasure. Heterosexual sex is my preference. But if I’m in the mood and I usually am, any consenting adult will suffice. When I’m engaging in sex with a guy, I derive only sexual gratification. When I engage in sex with a girl, I derive not only sexual gratification but psychological satisfaction as well. However, when I engage in sex with a girl that I have deep feelings for I derive sexual gratification, psychological satisfaction, and an emotional high. These are the rules that I live by believe it or not; and that includes being always upfront and honest. I insist that all parties involved engage in safe and protective sex. And I will never, ever marry because of my addiction. That wouldn’t be fair to either party. Make no mistake. I am happy with my lifestyle and wouldn’t change it for the world. I have engaged in every type of sex you can come up with and have enjoyed myself immensely. And with an addiction such as this, one should never commit. So keep your judgments, your labels, and your psychoanalysis to yourself. I am me. I am happy. I am free.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 17, 2016}   FRIENDSHIP


Friendship: “One who is personally well-known by oneself and for whom one has warm regards, or affections; intimate” (Funk and Wagnall). Just as the term “love” is personally defined by the individual, so is “friendship.”


Everyone has his own conception of what denotes an “intimate friend.” However, it is not generally understood, especially by the friends themselves, what the tasks, responsibilities, and obligations are of an intimate friend. Moreover, how and in what manner these tasks, responsibilities, and obligations are to be met are questions that are also usually left unanswered.


Friendship, it seems, exists on some sort of nonverbal agreement: always be “implicit” but never “explicit.”


Fortunately, my friendship is one of the exceptions: honesty and clarity are the general rules in our relationship. It is something we feel we not only owe to ourselves but also to each other as well.


Men do not like to admit, not even to themselves, that they have a need and a desire to be intimate with each other. For to do so, they feel that that will leave them vulnerable to those who may want to cast doubt about their masculinity. This is where society has failed our youths, especially our males. No wonder a man feels he must be obsessed with women and sex in order to be accepted in our society.


Friendship is a wonderful thin and an everlasting thing. When most relationships fail, friendships usually prevail. We, as a society, need to learn more about the art of friendship and less about the art of sex. This will not only help us as adults but also our children and society as a whole as well.


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr. on

{August 17, 2016}   A MATTER OF CONTROL


Believe it or not, I love my wife with all my heart. But there were certain things that we had to get straight from the start. She has her role and I have mine. As long as we both stay within those boundaries everything will be fine. However, once she decides to go out of the said boundaries or out of her role then it’s time for me to exercise some control. Never hit a woman or call her out of her name. Don’t display any dissatisfaction, especially in public, toward her in any way. For, if you do, you will regret it the next day. You wait until you go to bed, in the privacy of your room, then this is when you lower the boom. While engaging in sex you apply the pain. Don’t show her any kind of mercy and then you explain. You let her know that she crossed the line and that will never be tolerated at any time. Apply pressure to her nipples until she concedes and promises you that she will never again step out of her boundaries. To many this may be considered abusive and cold. But a woman needs to be reminded, at times, that the man is the one that is ultimately in control.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 17, 2016}   A LITTLE ABUSE


Family and friends tell me that I’m a fool. They could not understand how I can suffer such abuse. My husband beats me when he’s upset. I know he loves me. He proves it every-time he makes love to me. He’s really a nice man, but his temper is short at best. He needs a course in stress management. I’ve suffered some bruises from time to time. I’ve even suffered some broken bones for which he always apologize. If someone is sick you don’t pass judgment on them. Instead, you do everything in your power to assist them. He is my husband for better or worse. And I do receive more of the better than I do the worse. Most of the time he treats me like a queen. I, on the other hand, always treat him like a king. All marriages and relationships have their ups and their downs. When things get rough I get tough and go the rounds. I love him with all my heart and soul. He loves me too, and this is something that only a woman would know. I may die trying to live with him. But I will definitely die if I had to live without him.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr

{August 17, 2016}   I HATE HOMOS


There are these brothers that I’ve known for many years. Believe it or not they both have a wife. One has received more oral sex from men than the law would allow. He has also performed more anal sex on men of which everyone was eager to crack a “smile.” His brother, on the other hand, is a man that likes to receive, give him a good top and he’s really pleased. What makes them both interesting—and this is no joke—is that they both profess to hate all “homos.” Yet sexually both have dealt, and probably still are, with men ever since I’ve known them. When I accused one of maybe being bisexual he never spoke to me again. I have committed, according to him, a cardinal sin. If you got an erection, then there was sexual attraction. If you experienced an ejaculation, then you received gratification. And if you engaged in a kiss then that means your heart was in it. Whether you’re the top man or bottom man you’re still engaging in, participating in, and receiving gratification from a man. The homos that you profess to hate are the same ones to whom you gravitate. Believe it or not these brother are, fraternal, twins. One will always have my heart and will always be considered a friend. Let’s hope they can avoid contracting any diseases. Cause once you give you will, sooner or later, want to receive. Hey, the truth hurts.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 16, 2016}   DRUGS, SEX AND HIV


You take care of home before you take care of any place else. You also take care of and look for your own before you look out or take care of someone else’ This is not happening in the minority communities where they are being destroyed, not only by drugs and violent crimes, but also by the virus, HIV. Where are our so-called self-appointed leaders? They have never even been elected to any local or state leadership, but are quick to run for national leadership while the communities that they profess to love so much and to be a leader of are going down the drain. And for the communities to keep on putting their faith in these self-aggrandizing, so-called leaders is insane. They use their communities as a stepping stone to further their own agenda- which is to become national and international figures. This is their main agenda. Where were they when the children in their communities were being socially promoted even though they couldn’t read, write, or do basic math? Where were they and what were they doing to stop the flow of illegal drugs from flooding their communities? Where were they when many after-school programs were abolished? Where were they when and what were they doing, about the extremely high unemployment in their own communities? Where were they and what were they doing about the street gangs that have been terrorizing their communities? Where were they and what were they doing about making the schools safe for the children in their own communities? Where were they and what were they doing about holding the local elected officials accountable for the lack of job growth in their own communities? Where have they been and what were they doing to educate and provide better medical assistance, better prescription drug coverage, and housing for those that are afflicted with the HIV virus? Why do you think they aren’t and weren’t there? Where do you think they are? Drugs lead to crimes. Drugs lead to indiscriminate, unsafe and unprotected sex. Drugs will cause you to engage in sex with anyone, anywhere, and in anyway. And when this happens one runs the high risk of contracting HIV—a virus that is destroying their communities at an alarming rate. And let’s not forget the clergy. They aren’t any worse but they aren’t any better, either. They are a major part of the problem and not at all a part of the solution. God helps those that help themselves. God blesses the child that got his own. And always be the shepherd and never the sheep. Be your own leader.

From the book, Real love.Real issues.Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 16, 2016}   ABORTION


One must accept responsibility for their actions and be held accountable also for them; sex is no exception. If one decides to engage in sex then that is within their rights. If one decides not to practice safe sex then that is also within their rights. And if one wants to engage in unprotected sex they have a right to do so as well. Now you get the news that you’re pregnant and you’re now deciding what you should do. You decide to have an abortion, because that’s convenient for you. All the other decisions that were made by you were within your rights. This decision, however, involves another life—a life that God created through you. And it should also have rights too. A life created by decisions and acts, or lack thereof, that were made by you as stated above. This is what I mean by being responsible and accountable. Everyone wants the government to stay out of their bedroom and they should. Yet these same individuals want the government to foot the bill to assist them in destroying a life that was created by said individuals in that same bedroom that they said the government has no business in. If a woman decides to have an abortion then let her pay for it. Then it becomes an issue between her and her God. Neither the government, nor anyone else under these circumstances should have anything to say or be involved in any way. And if those who argue that the poor cannot afford to pay for an abortion then the poor should consider this: There are too many places in the community where condoms are given out for free. There are too many stores in the community where condoms are sold at a very low fee. And there are other ways of engaging in sex that will not result to pregnancy. And if any of those alternative ways are considered immoral to you then abortion should be on that list as well as premarital sex. I’m an advocate of free choice. But, like everything else, it comes with responsibility and accountability which also means picking up your own tab. If you play be prepared to pay.


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 16, 2016}   PRIESTLY ADVICE


When you’re seeking advice it should be from someone who has expertise in that particular area. So my question is this: Why would anyone go to a priest for marital or relationship advice? If the priest is following his vows he has never been involved in any kind of romantic or physical relationship; has never been married; and has never engaged in any type of sex. If he is using the Bible as a reference, neither Jesus- Himself, nor God- Himself has ever been involved in any type of romantic or physical relationship, has ever been married, and has ever engaged in any type of sex. So if a priest doesn’t have any experience in any of the above areas, about which you are seeking advice, nor does anyone of reference that he is referring to then why are you even consulting him? And if the Catholic Church believes that the institution of marriage is the backbone of society then why don’t the officials of the Catholic Church partake in marriage themselves? Does this have to do with religious faith, belief, or is it more about finance?

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr

{August 16, 2016}   WHAT’S THE REAL REASON?


When one renders a service, they should be paid. This, I was told, is the American way. When someone shovels your snow you pay them a fee. When you go to get sensual pleasure it’s not for free; You will pay the masseuse their asking fee When you go for a colonic cleansing, the same rules exist. Whoever provides you with a service wants to get paid for it. Why should prostitution be the exception to the rule? If a service is being provided, why shouldn’t they be paid, legally, too? If someone is willing to pay for sex why is the government involved in it? I’m not promoting prostitution that’s not my intent. I’m just trying to be fair and logical and see if this law makes any sense. A person can literally sleep with the whole neighborhood as long as they don’t charge a fee. As long as they provide free sex they are not doing anything illegally. However, if you render sexual services and charge a fee, this you do so illegally. I’m trying to come up with a logical reason for the above but there aren’t any that I can think of. If it’s a moral issue, then that’s between them and their God. If it’s about diseases, they don’t spread anymore and they probably spread less than the rest of us. And if you practice and engage in safe sex then diseases shouldn’t be an issue. If it’s between consenting adults and it’s not done in public then it should be a non-issue at best. If money is the primary reason then make prostitution legal and tax them like you do all the rest. However if it’s not about money, which I find impossible to believe, then make it a non-criminal offense and issue them a fine if they’re caught soliciting in a public place. There’s supposed to be separation of church and state. This is the primary reason why a lot of unfair laws are still in place.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr

{August 16, 2016}   THE TRUTH BE TOLD


Religion is a subject that I dislike to address. But I feel I must do so in the name of fairness. Religion has become a big business and a profitable one at that. This is not a theory but indeed a fact. In theory, there is separation of church and state. But in reality it’s a marriage that becomes stronger each and every day. It’s not about promoting the message of God. It’s about promoting the message of the messenger who claims to speak on behalf of God. Oh, what fools we mortals must be when we lose all sense and rationality. Many priests are, and always have been, sleeping with boys. These priests were/are not only engaging in homosexual and pedophile acts but were/are also committing statutory rape by the mere fact that they were/are sexually involved with these under-aged boys. Yet the authorities gave them a pass, because they’re a religious organization. And that was, and still is, their rationalization. But it’s all right for the pope, wh is the most powerful religious leader in the world, to speak out against marriage between gays but will not speak out or take a stand against the immorality and illegality that many of his priests and other church officials are committing from day to day. We are a part of God and God is a part of us. And only in God should we place our trust. Church leaders and politicians are one and the same. It’s all about power and money, and that’s the name of the game. Deep down inside we all know right from wrong. Anyone who tells you different is only stringing you along For God lives within each of us so call on Him in your hour of need. He will never let you down; this I guarantee. The church and religion are institutions that society greatly needs as long as they remain fair and balanced and divorce themselves from politics, power, and greed. When one does not look at things rationally, logically, or ask questions when something doesn’t make sense this is not living by faith, it’s living by pure ignorance. God supplied us with a brain to access things with When one becomes obsessed with religion and will not question it that person has become fanatical about it. And you will find a lot of these said fanatics sitting right in church. Because, to them, the church is more then just their home it is also the turf.

Fanatics aren’t good for the church, religion, or society. They’re a threat to all of humanity. The Bible is a wonderful book, this I totally agree. And I advise everyone to read it, and I do so open-heartedly. There are many different versions of the Bible as you well know. A lot of books were lost or deliberately destroyed. Why? Only God knows. Men said that the words in the Bible came to them directly from God. Who took the dictation and where are the written logs? If no one wrote it down then it’s all hearsay. Considering the many different translations that it has undergone and so many books that have been deliberately destroyed, or hidden, what does your common-sense say? The Bible is a wonderful book that is not written in stone.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on


{August 16, 2016}   IT’S JUST A MAN THING


One man engaging in sex with two women at the same time is every man’s fantasy that they hope one day will become a reality. And this is something that will get you a high five and not something that you have to deny or hide. When you ask your woman and she agrees to make your dream a reality now you feel you’re on top of the world and you owe it all to your understanding girl. You’ve finished engaging in what you have set out to do. Thanks to your woman, one of your dreams has come true. Now comes the day that she asks you to make one of her fantasies come true. And, she also, wants to engage in a threesome: her, another man, and you. You look at her with shock and disdain even though what you asked of her was exactly the same. You let it be known that you don’t go that way and if she ever engaged in something like that or if the topic ever come up again you both would have to go your separate ways. A relationship should be equal, as the relationship experts would say. This is life. What can I say.

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 16, 2016}   WHERE IS THE LOVE?


I cannot love you because you’re fat.

I cannot love you because you’re ugly.

I cannot love you because you’re poor.

I cannot love you because you’re from a different religion.

I cannot love you because you’re from a different ethnic group.

I cannot love you because you’re gay.

I cannot love you because you’re not as educated as I am.

I cannot love you because you’re an alcoholic.

I cannot love you because you’re a drug addict.

I cannot love you because you’re a sex addict.

I cannot love you because you’re an ex-con.

I cannot love you because you’re committing adultery.

I cannot love you because you’re having an abortion.

I cannot love you because you’re pregnant and not married.

I cannot love you because you’re adopted.

I cannot love you because you’re HIV positive.

I cannot love you because you’re disabled.

I cannot love you because you’re unemployed.

I cannot love you because you’re taller than me.

I cannot love you because you’re shorter than me.

I cannot love you because you’re a member of a different political party.

I cannot love you because you’re not man enough for me.

I cannot love you because you’re not woman enough for me.

I cannot love you because you’re an atheist.

I cannot love you because you’re a whore.

I cannot love you because you’re a pimp.

I cannot love you because you’re a prostitute.

I cannot love you because you’re an offspring of a mobster.

I cannot love you because you’re not a professional.

I cannot love you because you’re not in the same social circle as I am.

I cannot love you because you’re too small where it counts.

I cannot love you because you’re not a hunk.

I cannot love you because you’re not bikini material.

I cannot love you because….


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solution, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 15, 2016}   WHAT LOVE IS


Love is free of fear.

Love is free of anxiety.

Love is free of inequality.

Love is free of jealousy.

Love is free of dishonesty.

Love is free of distrust.

Love is free of physical abuse.

Love is free of emotional abuse.

Love is free of mental abuse.

Love is free of sexual abuse.

Love is free of verbal abuse.

Love is free of infidelity.

Love is free of resentment.

Love is free of hate.

Love is free of injustice.

Love is free of judgment.

Love is free of selfishness.

Love is free of prejudice.

Love is free of vindictiveness.

Love is free of intolerance.

Love is free of impatience.

Love is free of stubbornness.

Love is free of punishment.

Love is free of blackmail.

Love is free of not being able to express yourself.


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 15, 2016}   CHEATERS


If they cheated on you once, they’ll cheat on you again. This is a situation that you’ll never win. It’s never about you- that’s what you refuse to see. It’s not even about love; it’s about sexual variety—and not the variety that you get from the same individual. But it’s a sexual need for a variety of individuals. That’s why it’s just sexual and not emotional. It’s not about them needing or seeking help. Rather, it’s the constant need for them to seek and sleep always with someone else. You believe that they can/will change. However, to them, it is just a game. In your heart you believe there’s hope. In their hearts, however, they believe that you’re just a dope. If you insist on staying then stop complaining. For if this is the life you are willing to accept then make sure you always engage in safe sex. And always prepare for that rainy day ’cause sooner or later they will go their own way.


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 15, 2016}   CREATURES OF SEX


We are all sexual creatures that can be sexually gratified by a variety of ways. There is self-gratification through masturbation. There is gratification through vaginal intercourse. There is gratification through anal intercourse, whether it’s between a man and a woman, or between men. There is gratification through oral intercourse—also, whether it’s between men, women, or a man and woman. One can become sexually aroused by someone playing with or sucking on their nipples, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s being done by a man or a woman. This also holds true where kissing is concerned or the rubbing together of two nude bodies despite the sex of the other person. One can become aroused by, and experience sexual gratification from, either sex. Sex, believe it or not, wasn’t and still isn’t meant just for procreation. It is often used as a way of conveying your love for an individual and also as a means of releasing and/or reducing stress and anxiety. But what most people find hard to accept is that sex is mainly used just for pure gratification and nothing else. God created sex and made us creatures of it. So please consider the above before you judge. Stop always looking for some deep dark sinister meaning for which you can label. I agree that sex shouldn’t be abused. However, it was created to be used and for more than one purpose. And how consenting adults make use of it is totally between them and no one else.


From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

{August 15, 2016}   WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR LOVE


This is for all those individuals who hate whores, bitches, and homos but engage in sex with them anyway. Some of what I say may be somewhat vulgar but it’s the most effective way. You engage in unsafe and unprotected sex with anyone that belongs to any one of the groups listed above. You engage in anal or vaginal intercourse and discharge into that particular individual millions of sperm cells of which each and everyone is a divine gift from God. Those cells are a major component in the creation of life. I’m glad they’re floating around inside of someone you dislike. Those same cells contain your DNA. What a wonderful thing to share with those that you hate. Let’s not forget that it’s not just your DNA history but also the history of your ancestors as well. Don’t worry: if you don’t tell, I won’t tell. You sought sexual gratification, and so did they. But thanks to you they walked away with more from you and more of you than one would be willing to say. Moreover, even if you used protection, once you engage in any form of intercourse you have made that connection. During the course of intercourse you are physically and sexually joined together as one. You can make all the excuses and denials that you so desire. But the facts speak for themselves, and what is done is done. If you give so much of yourself to those that you profess to dislike or hate, what do you give, if you have anything left of you to give, to those you profess to like or love? If one of you has a disease, the other one will contract it, especially, if you’re engaging in unprotected sex. And if you are engaging in unprotected sex and you are discharging your sperm into someone else it’s equivalent, to some extent, to  a transfusion. Your fluid is being internally shared with someone else. Through the sharing of your DNA, you have injected them with the blueprint of your past, present, and future. Aren’t you glad they don’t mean that much to you?

From the book, Real love. Real issues. Real solutions, by Johnnie Newkirk Jr on

et cetera